Back Pain Management at Performance Pain Houston

Looking for top-tier back pain management in Houston? Performance Pain Houston is here at your service. We have a team of specialists that will help diagnose your exact type of back condition and come up with a strict plan for treating it right away. If you have been struggling to try and find a way to manage your back pain, we have a wide variety of options to get your health back on track.

Premier Back Pain Treatment

Here at Performance Pain Houston, we are experts at handling all different types and forms of back pain. From minor conditions to the most chronic back pain conditions, our team of pain management doctors in Houston Texas will help you back your back’s health back on track with minimal healing time.

Spinal Cord Stimulations

Spinal cord stimulations are used for many different types of chronic back pain. Usually, they are used for fighting problems such as spinal stenosis, failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, herniation’s, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and various other types of back conditions.

Titanium Implants

Also known as Superion Interspinous Spacers, titanium implants are very minimally invasive and have helped many people avoid major back surgeries. Usually, this is a procedure that is done to help treat lumbar spinal stenosis. We are proud to be the first (and probably best) in Texas to handle this minimally-invasive procedure.

Percutaneous Disc Decompression

This is another common non-invasive procedure that we handle here at Performance Pain. This is usually done for people that have small disc herniations that have failed epidural injections. Therefore, this is usually done after other procedures have been ineffective at solving the problem.

Endoscopic Spinal Procedures

If you have free pinched nerves in your spine and/or disc herniation’s, this procedure is designed to work exactly for you! Like all of our other procedures, this is minimally-invasive and won’t require any sort of extended healing period like typical invasive back surgeries.

And Much More!

In reality, the procedures described above are only a small snapshot of the many different treatment options we offer here at Performance Pain. Be sure to Visit website and take a much more in-depth look at all the different types of treatment and pain management we offer. Outside of back pain, we also help treat other forms of chronic pain in any other part of the body!


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