Home Shoulder Pain Remedies

Looking for ways to treat shoulder pain from home? Don’t worry, we are to help. Here at Performance Pain Houston, we have spent the majority of our lifetimes studying and working with chronic shoulder pain. As a result, we have lots of great ideas for you to consider whether you want professional help or simply want to try and treat the issue at home. 


Do You Know What is Causing Your Shoulder Pain?

Usually, the first thing you need to do before treating shoulder pain from home is having an understanding of what your particular issue is. If you live in the area, consider visiting one of our pain management clinics Houston in order to get a professional diagnosis and treatment plan.

1. Daily Stretches, Exercise &Massages

Stretches, exercise, and massages are some of the easiest ways to naturally treat your shoulder pain at home. Stretching the tender parts of your shoulder gently will help you to feel a lot of relief at the end of each day. If you have the ability to do so, daily exercises and massages can also help to loosen up tight joints.

2. Compression & Wraps

Compressing your shoulder in a medical bandage will do wonders for helping you reduce your pain and make your shoulder feel more comfortable. This is especially true for the shoulder pain that is caused by traumatic injuries of some sort. Make sure to compress the sensitive area, but not to the point where you cut off the circulation of blood.

3. Icing Inflammation

Is your shoulder inflamed on a continual basis? If so, then you absolutely need to start icing it down when inflammation occurs. Ice naturally helps fight inflammation so that it won’t bother you as much. If inflammation persists for a long period of time, we recommend that you consider getting a professional diagnosis and treatment plan like what we offer at Performance Pain Houston.

4. Natural Supplements

Natural supplements are generally a good idea whether or not you are trying to fight a chronic pain condition. There are many vitamins and nutrients which we should be ideally taking in on a daily basis. Many of these will also help you to heal much more efficiently than you could on your own.

5. Rest and Relaxation

Sometimes the best remedy for shoulder pain is the most obvious one. If you have been working your shoulders too hard, giving them some rest will help them heal naturally. Usually, our bodies have all the tools ready at their disposal to heal without professional interventions. However, if you think you need professional assistance for your shoulder pain, see here what kind of options you have.


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