Questions You Need to Ask Before Getting Invasive Surgery

Are you thinking about getting invasive surgery for handling a chronic pain issue? Here at Performance Pain Houston, our clients consist of many people who have gone down this route. Although we recommend avoiding invasive surgery by all means possible, we are still here to help. Here are some questions that you should ask your surgeon before getting invasive surgery.

1. How Long Will It Take to Heal?

Your primary concern should be how long it will take you to be back in perfect health after surgery. Just about any sort of invasive surgery will require a certain amount of time for healing. Therefore, this is something you need to discuss with your surgeon before committing to invasive surgery.
2. What is the Success Rate?

In case you weren’t aware, surgeries don’t always go as planned. Surgeons are also human. Therefore, don’t assume right away that you are in the right hands. Make sure to address the success rate with your surgeon. If it is anything less than 99% or so, you should probably consider other options.
3. Will I Need Post-Op Treatment?

Many people make the mistake of assuming that you will be done with treatment right as you get out of the operation room. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Be sure to consider that you might actually need further treatment after the surgery takes place. This can turn into a hassle.
4. What Risks Come from the Surgery?

You should be well informed of all the benefits and potential risks before going under the knife. So be sure to discuss any and all risks that can about from the surgery with your doctor beforehand. The last thing you need is to finish your surgery only to then learn of something you should have asked about beforehand.
5. Can I Receive the Same Benefits Without Surgery?

There is simply no sense in getting invasive surgery if you can naturally heal and recover from your condition. Our pain clinic Houston, for example, has helped many people receive the benefits of surgery without actually going through invasive surgery.
Are You Seeking Chronic Pain Treatment that Avoids Invasive Surgery?

If you are unsure whether or not invasive surgery is the right option, maybe you should come into Performance Pain Houston and receive a second opinion. Click here to learn more about treatment options we have that can help you avoid invasive surgery.


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