Tips to Help Treat Hip Pain at Home

Having hip pain that stems from arthritis, trauma, or another cause is never fun to experience. Here at Performance Pain Houston, we have proudly assisted many people with chronic hip pain. Below, we will break down some of the best tips to keep in mind for treating your hip pain at home.

1. Exercise a Little More

Doing a little bit of cardio and muscle strengthening is always a good idea in the first place. If your hip pain stems on the outer edges of your hips, try strengthening the muscles in the inside. If you want a good cardio workout for hip pain, consider picking up swimming.

2. Use Heat and/or Ice Packs

If your hip pain is from arthritis, then using heat packs can do wonders for helping you alleviate pain. If you went through trauma and are experiencing things such as swelling, then using an ice pack can be very helpful. Ice packs are also great for numbing any pain that your body experiences.

3. Avoid too Much Hip Activity

There is a fine line between the right level of exercise and when it is simply too much. When doing your daily exercise, be very conscious of your pain levels. If at any time you start to notice that the pain increases and becomes worse, then you know that you are working too hard.

4. Lose Extra Weight

Losing weight is generally a great idea if you want to get your hip pain in check from home. Extra fat on your body can directly take a toll on your hip health and make things worse. Therefore, if you have a little extra cushion around your hips take some steps to remove some body fat in these areas.

5. Get Professional Help if Things Get Worse

When symptoms evolve out of control and you simply cannot see yourself managing hip pain at home, there is no shame in seeking professional help. This is the best way to experience the quickest possible results. See here what kind of professional help exists.

Think You Might Need Some Professional Assistance?

As briefly mentioned, getting professional assistance is often a great idea. If you want to visit one of the best pain management clinics Houston, we recommend stopping by Performance Pain Houston and getting a free consultation today.


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