Signs That You Have a Chronic Injury

Most injuries will heal with treatment in a couple of months or so. Of course, this depends on the exact injury, the severity, how it was treated, and so on. In some cases, what seemed to be a minor injury can evolve and turn into a chronic injury that merits immediate medical help. Below, the people from Performance Pain Houston have given us some signs that you are facing a chronic injury.

This Has Crept Up on You Slowly

Chronic injuries like stress fractures don’t usually announce their presence right away. By the time your pain level is high enough to seek treatment, it might already be a chronic injury. Usually, these sorts of injuries are not detected right away. Even doctors can inaccurately predict what is going on!

It Seems to Have Gotten Worse Over Time

When you first started feeling the pain from your injury, you will normally notice a gradual lessening of the pain and discomfort over time. If this is not the case, you might be dealing with a chronic injury that merits the attention of a pain doctor.

You Think It Is an Entirely Different Problem Now

Once you first experienced the pain of your injury, you probably thought it would heal and go away on its own. If you start to find yourself questioning this, and think that it may be a

It Has Lasted Longer Than 12 Weeks

In the medical industry, once pain lasts for 12 weeks it then qualifies as chronic pain. If you were first injured over 12 weeks ago, and the pain doesn’t show signs of going away, you probably are dealing with a chronic injury that needs the help of a medical professional ASAP.

You Only Received One Professional Opinion

Although rare, those who have a chronic injury will sometimes receive an inaccurate diagnosis from their doctor. Keeping this in mind, if you have only received the opinion of one doctor and not various, the initial diagnosis could have been wrong! This is why it is important to seek multiple professional opinions.

Have a Chronic Injury that Needs Medical Attention?

Here at Performance Pain, we have some of the best Houston pain management doctors that handle all forms of chronic pain and chronic injuries. If you are ready to take action and put yourself on the road to recovery, click here to find out more about what we do.


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