Tips for Fighting a Joint Pain in Fingers

Having pain in your fingers can be a heavy burden! Before coming in to see a pain doctor like the ones at Performance Pain Houston, you should try to treat yourself at home. Keeping in this mind, let’s cover 5 tips for fighting joint pain in your fingers.

1. Rest Your Joints

The first step that anybody with finger pain should take is to rest their fingers. This will help them relax and wind down from any previous overuse. If you rest your joints for a long time and still feel pain, then you might need to visit a doctor and have them checked out!

2. Ice Your Fingers

If you encounter a large breakout of pain in your fingers, you should try icing them. This may help any problems with inflammation, as well as lessen the pain that you feel. The idea is to ice for about 15 – 20 minutes and then stop. If you ice too long, you can risk developing other problems!

3. Do Hand Exercises

The joints in your fingers do not have muscles. However, if you strengthen the muscles in your forearms that allow you to use your fingers, you might experience less pain over time. Try doing some forearm exercises to strengthen the muscles used by your fingers.

4. Take Supplements

Various supplements can help you cope with pain in your joints. Omega-3, for example, has been shown to be effective in the struggle against arthritis. However, the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor about

5. Get Yourself Tested for Arthritis!

If you are unsure whether or not your joint pain stems from arthritis, you are encouraged to visit a doctor for a more specific diagnosis. At the end of the day, this is the best way to see whether or not your finger pain stems from arthritis or another condition.

Ready to See a Pain Doctor in Houston?

From treating arthritis pain in your fingers to having some of the best back pain doctors Houston, Performance Pain is a great place to visit. If you are interested in seeing our treatments and learning more about what we do, be sure to click over here and visit our website!


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