5 Common Causes of Rib Pain

People trying to find a pain clinic Houston might be suffering from rib pain. If you have recently started getting a sharp pain in your chest, we are here to help you figure out what is going on. Below, the folks from Performance Pain Houston have compiled 5 of the most common causes of rib pain. However, keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list by any means. 


1 .Injured Ribs

If you recently got into an accident of some sort, this might be why your ribs are hurting. From muscles to breaks of the bone, having injured ribs is not something to take lightly! The ribs are what protect many of your body's important organs. If you injure your ribs, be sure to have them professionally checked out as soon as possible!

2. Lung Issues

If you are a smoker, the first pain you feel in your lungs may not actually come from your lungs at all. Since the lungs have very few nerve endings, the initial pain that you feel will probably feel like rib pain. This can be from your lung linings getting inflamed, or even the absolute worst-case scenario that is lung cancer.

3. Osteoporosis

As we start to get older, our bodies can age and become weaker than they were. This is a normal part of living a long and healthy life. However, when osteoporosis develops and causes high loads of pain, you have a condition worth getting professional treatment.

4. Fibromyalgia

This is an insidious form of chronic pain that normally causes pain throughout your entire body. The pain you experience from fibromyalgia can be considerably uncomfortable when it hits your ribs. Most people will already know that fibromyalgia is causing their rib pain since this condition is usually noticed and professionally diagnosed well in advance.

5. Costochondritis

Costochondritis is a condition where the cartilage in your ribs starts to decline. In many cases, this can be resolved without surgery or advanced medical care. Many chronic pain conditions like this can be healed with natural methods. Click here to learn more about the types of chronic pain that can be healed naturally.

Need Professional Help Managing Chronic Pain?

If you want to find a great pain clinic in the Houston locality, be sure to consider Performance Pain Houston. This is a professional pain clinic that can help you recover from all forms of chronic pain. Best of all, the initial consultation for first-time patients is completely free of charge!


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